
5th Sunday of Easter (Year B)

Psalm text (Ps 22:25b-26,27+29,30-31)

I will praise you, Lord, in the assembly of your people.

My vows I will pay before those who fear him.
The poor shall eat and be satisfied;
those who seek him shall praise the Lord.
May your hearts live forever.

All the ends of the earth shall remember and turn to the Lord;
and all the families of the nations shall worship before him.
To him, indeed, shall all who sleep in the earth bow down;
before him shall bow all who go down to the dust.

I shall live for him and posterity will serve him.
Future generations will be told about the Lord,
and proclaim his deliverance to a people yet unborn,
saying that he has done it.

Gospel Verse (Jn 15:4,5)

Live in me and let me live in you, says the Lord; my branches bear much fruit.

Psalm text (Ps 22:26-27, 28+30, 31-32)

I will praise You, Lord, in the assembly of Your people.

I will fulfull my vows before those who fear the Lord.
The lowly shall ear their fill:
they who seek the Lord shall praise Him:
"May your hearts live forever!"

All the ends of the earth
shall remember and turn to the Lord;
all the families of the nations
shall bow down before Him.

To Him alone shall bow down
all who sleep in the earth;
before Him shall bend
all who go down into the dust.

And to Him my soul shall live;
my descendants shall serve Him.
Let the coming generation be told of the Lord
that they may proclaim to a people yet to be born the justice He has shown.


Gospel Verse (Jn 15:4a+5b)

Remain in Me as I remain in you, says the Lord. Whoever remains in Me will bear much fruit.


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The English translation of the Psalm Response(s) and Gospel verse(s) from Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997, International Committee on English in the Liturgy, Inc. All rights reserved.